Youth focused YWAM (Youth With A Mission) ministry in Johannesburg South Africa
Some people choose to lead... Some people are forced to lead...
BUT Joseph was born to lead...

Latest Happenings


(Discipleship Training School)

This is the foundation training of not just YWAM, every Christian needs to be a Disciple of Jesus and help others become Disciples too.


15th September 2019 - February 2020


Matt 16:24 DTS

(We would love to run 4 DTS's a year, however due to the size of our community we cannot. So we have decided to only run DTS's when we feel able to run good ones and when we have at least 5 appretice disciples who are seriously interested in intentionally seeking God with us.)


If you are interested in either Youth With A Mission or Joseph Project specifically then please take time to browse thru the visitors section of our site here.


If you are a school or outreach leader or if you are a YWAMer who is simply interested in what we are doing then please click thru our site here and learn more about us.


The following links lead to Joseph Project affiliates and ministry partners.

YWAM International

YWAM Africa